Sunday, January 27, 2008

Belief the essence

The moment alas world seems to end…
All good thoughts start disappearing…
Heart felt its identity in million tiny pieces…
Soul wants to put a step away….
Thy will of His still being continued…??
Want ignorance for being ignorant…
Asking to be easy for difficulty…
Console the difficulty,
Console the ignorant,
They are fragile,
No thoughts for you…!
Hold the waves of ocean,
Stand as still as a clam lake,
Let the thousands volcano erupt together,
But be as cool as lotus floating on ponds surface….
How ignorant I am from the entire plan…
Senses are getting alive, to doubt grace….
Still somewhere some ray of hope is twinkling….
Aye to balm I or to put delusion...
The moment alas I know what is ocean….
The moment I felt what being eruption of thousand volcanoes…
Knowing all and understanding nothing…
How strange entire plan but still true….
Can a plan play with my belief?
Can waves of ocean wash of my belief?
Can thousand erupting volcanoes’ destroy my belief?
Nay, never, nor they should …
That’s the reason Calmness and stillness accompanying me…
The moment my belief and I are together…
Bedazzled but still smile on each other…!
(I had written this poem in Sep'2007)

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