Tuesday, November 4, 2008


What comes after Globalization?---- GLOBALITY....!!
Globality- Competing with everyone from everywhere for everything...!! Whether You Agree with Globality or Disagree, Don't Ignore It......!
Globalization has entered a new phase. The old model of globalization was about multinationals from Europe, the U.S. and Japan expanding into the developing countries, attracted primarily by low raw material and labor costs. In the new phase -- which the authors term "globality" -- firms from rapidly developing economies such as Brazil, India, China, and Russia are stepping out to challenge the incumbent multinational giants, often on their own turf. It is "a different kind of environment, in which business flows in every direction. Companies have no centers. The idea of foreignness is foreign...!"
In the age of globality, these challengers will compete with every other company for everything. "And by everything, we mean just that -- all the world's resources. Everybody will be trying to grab the same things that everybody else wants, especially the most precious and limited ones: raw materials, capital, knowledge, capabilities, and most important, people: leaders, managers, workers, partners, collaborators, suppliers. And, of course, customers."
Source: Book 'Globality' by-Hal Sirkin, Jim Hemerling, and Arindam Bhattacharya

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